News Avenue
An explosion has caused many casualties near a wedding hall in the southern Turkish city of Gaziantep, Turkish media report.
Finally, Someone has come forward to buy Yahoo! Guess Who? The telecommunication giant Verizon. Yes, Verizon Communications Inc. is reportedly closing in on a deal to acquire Yahoo’s core business for about $5 Billion, according to a report from Bloomberg.
Manjaro Linux, based on Arch Linux, is known for its user-friendliness and accessibility. Arch Linux is itself famous for being lightweight, fast and powerful. Manjaro Linux takes the great features of Arch and leaves behind its technicality, making itself a bleeding edge Linux distro.
Over nine million keys used to redeem and activate games on the Steam platform were stolen by an unknown hacker who breached a gaming news site – DLH.net. This site generally provides news, reviews, cheat codes, and forums, was breached on July 31 by then same hacker who was responsible for the Dota 2 forum breach recently.
WASHINGTON, ACCRA, Aug. 12, (UPI/GNA) - A day after twice stating President Barack Obama was the founder of the terrorist group the Islamic State, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump implied on Twitter the comment was just a joke.
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