News Avenue

Monday, 8 May 2017

Captive Breeding Of Dolphins, Killer Whales Banned In France

The recent national election is not the only huge news in France. The government of the country just announced that it will ban the breeding in captivity of dolphins and killer whales, a move that was celebrated by campaigners and animal rights activists as a huge victory.
In an article published by BBC, the government of France banned the captive breeding of dolphins and killer whales after Environment Minister Segolene Royal found out that some animals were drugged in aquariums. The government also banned the right to keep all whales, dolphins, and porpoises in captivity, with the exception for orcas and bottlenose dolphins that were already held.
Animals rights activists find the recent move of the government of France as a historic advance. However, the association of French zoos responded by saying that they were not consulted on the move to ban the captive breeding of dolphins and killer whales.

Last year, Marineland was criticized after one of their killer whales died due to the flood that occurred at that time. The park also lost a number of sea turtles, sharks, and sea lions in the flood.
In an article published by Independent UK, the ban on captive breeding of dolphins and killers whales would lead to the death of marine circuses in France. This is the joint statement from five conservation groups including Sea Shepherd. Jon Kershaw, the head of the Marineland Antibes Park in the French Riviera, said that the government's decision was a "bombshell".
The new law on banning captivity breeding of dolphins and killer whales also include the ban of direct contact between animals and the people. It includes swimming with the dolphins, The law also requires pools holding the animals to be made significantly larger than before.
Establishments concerned with the new law of captive breeding of killer whales and dolphins were given six months to comply with some of the rules. They were given three years to expand their pools.


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