More than 200 people have been prosecuted under a new revenge porn law, a Crown Prosecution Service report on crimes against women shows.
Data for England and Wales also show rape, domestic abuse and sex offences account for almost a fifth of the total CPS workload, with prosecutions and convictions at record levels.
The CPS says improvements are due to extra resources and better training.
But charities say more needs to be done to encourage reporting of offences.
It became an offence to share private sexual photographs or films without the subject's consent in England and Wales in April 2015.
So-called revenge porn often involves an ex-partner uploading sexual images of the victim to cause the victim humiliation or embarrassment.
What does the report show?
In the year 2015-16, ending in March:
Domestic abuse, rape and sexual offences accounted for 18.6% of the CPS's overall workload - an increase over the past six years from just under 9%
206 people were prosecuted for disclosing private sexual images without consent
More than 100,000 people were prosecuted for domestic abuse, with a conviction rate of more than 75%
The number of prosecutions for rape was the highest ever recorded (4,643) and almost 58% (2,689) of those prosecuted were convicted of rape or an alternative or lesser offence
Child sexual abuse convictions increased by almost 17% to 4,643
The number of prosecutions for other sexual offences increased by nearly 23% to 11,995 - with 9,351 people being convicted
Nearly 70% (9,077) of stalking and harassment prosecutions were related to domestic abuse - an increase of about 10%
There were five prosecutions for controlling or coercive behaviour since a new law came into force in December 2015
Social media was also identified as a "growing trend" connected to offences including revenge porn, and in cases of coercive control the CPS found defendants monitored phone messages and emails and used GPS tracking.
Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders said changes in the way sexual offences are prosecuted have helped improve conviction rates.
She said she had doubled resources in specialist units handling rape and serious sexual offence cases, and that prosecutors received detailed training.
"Today a rape, domestic abuse, sexual offence or child abuse case is more likely to be prosecuted and convicted than ever before," she added, but there was "still more to be done to ensure all victims receive the service they deserve."
Although this category of offences, Violence against Women and Girls, includes crimes against men and boys, the vast majority of victims are female.
In years gone by, their allegations were often not taken seriously; violence in the home was treated as "just a domestic" with police reluctant to get involved; prosecutions weren't considered or were abandoned too readily unless the case was clear-cut.
These figures, however, together with a series of new criminal offences, provide evidence of real change in the justice system, with the CPS more willing to prosecute than ever before.
The question is - do they and the police have sufficient staff to cope with the workload? At a time of scarce resources there's a risk of burn-out.
Rachel Krys from the End Violence Against Women coalition welcomed the report, but said: "The majority of women and girls subject to these crimes do not report them to the police, and the specialist services which support them are fighting for survival."
Polly Neate, chief executive of Women's Aid, said the rise in prosecutions and convictions was because "survivors of domestic abuse are starting to have more confidence in the criminal justice system.
"However, we know that much more work is still needed, particularly in understanding of the nature and impact of coercive control."
Rebecca Hitchin from the charity Rape Crisis said some sexual offence victims may still be reluctant to come forward through a fear of not being believed or because of a "potential for backlash" from family and peers.
She said a lengthy and complicated prosecution process can also discourage victims from coming forward.
Finally, Someone has come forward to buy Yahoo! Guess Who?
The telecommunication giant Verizon.
Yes, Verizon Communications Inc. is reportedly closing in on a deal to acquire Yahoo’s core business for about $5 Billion, according to a report from Bloomberg.
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